I am currently working on a project that requires me to stream video from an IP camera to an Android device via WiFi using RTSP and then do some image processing. I want to do this without displaying the video stream if possible. Currently, I am trying to do this using VLC for Android. My code is structured as follows:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ArrayList<String> options = new ArrayList<>();
// Various options added.
mLibVLC = new LibVLC(getApplicationContext(), options);
mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(mLibVLC);
videoLayout = findViewById(R.id.videoLayout); // This view is marked as INVISIBLE.
protected void onStart() {
mMediaPlayer.attachViews(videoLayout, null, false, false);
Media media = new Media(mLibVLC, Uri.parse("<RTSP LINK>"));
// Set VLC media presets.
mMediaPlayer.play(); // Play the stream!
// Set callback to get each frame from MediaPlayer?
When videoLayout
is marked as "visible", this works perfectly. I am also able to get Bitmaps from the view by performing a screen capture. When I mark the video layout
as "invisible", far as I can tell I am still receiving frames (at least according to VLC's debug output) but I'm not sure how I can access them. Is there a way for me to directly render the MediaPlayer stream to a Bitmap? Or is there some other method I could use to get each new frame without rendering the view? Thanks for your help!
I figured this out after a lot of trial and error. The solution that worked best for me was to use FFMPEGFrameGrabber
from JavaCV. I'm now able to read frame by frame from an RTSP stream.