Trying to generate a jsonb column that will look like this:
["c:cluster-x", "ns:cluster-x/namespace-1"]
The cluster and namespace will be taken from other fields. I'm struggling with finding a way to concat it successfully
Also an array literal will be fine here, like this '{c:cluster-x, ns:cluster-x/namespace-1}'
I tried something like this:
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD COLUMN resources jsonb GENERATED ALWAYS AS ('["c:"' || my_table."clusterName" || ']'::jsonb) STORED;
but getting:
Detail: Expected JSON value, but found "]".
postgres version 13.4
You are casting a single character ]
as jsonb. That's why you're getting this error. Also, the :
is missing (misplaced?) between key and value.
This should work:
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD COLUMN resources jsonb
GENERATED ALWAYS AS (('[{"c":"' || "clusterName" || '"}]')::jsonb) STORED;
Note: This solution will return NULL if the column clusterName
is NULL.
Demo: db<>fiddle