I am basically trying to group by 2 variables and perform a proc sql mean, however my group by won't work for the following reason : here's an example of what I am trying to get (Assuming the data here is sorted properly)
Now I know that this is not how the mean functions work so I've tried thinking about ways to resolve my issue and I've found that this would work :
However I don't know how I could obtain that. I have tried
data want;
set have;
count + 1;
by User Var X;
if first.User then count = 1;
However this does not seem to get the trick done. Any ideas on how to resolve this ?
Thanks for reading !
Like this?
data have;
input user $ varx value average;
A 5 150 200
A 5 250 200
A 10 500 500
A 10 500 500
A 10 500 500
A 5 50 50
A 5 50 50
A 20 10 10
data want;
set have;
by user varx notsorted;
if first.varx then count + 1;