I have the same error when I helm install the latest version prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack with thanos.io v0.25.2 the thanos-storage-config.yaml as following:
type: s3
bucket: monitoring-thanos-dev-metrics #S3 bucket name
endpoint: s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com #S3 Regional endpoint
encryptsse: true
Then, the thanos-sidecar, thanos-compactor and thanos-sotre has show this error msg: unmarshal errors:\n line 2: field encryptsse not found in type s3.Config
According to the documentation:
type: S3
bucket: ""
endpoint: ""
region: ""
access_key: ""
insecure: false
signature_version2: false
encrypt_sse: false
secret_key: ""
put_user_metadata: {}
idle_conn_timeout: 0s
response_header_timeout: 0s
insecure_skip_verify: false
enable: false
part_size: 0
it seems you have a type in the key name: encrypt_sse
I had similar errors, to workaround I just removed the encrypt_sse: false key.
At a minimum, you will need to provide a value for the bucket, endpoint, access_key, and secret_key keys. The rest of the keys are optional.