
Getting too many arguments in call to spdy.NewRoundTripperWithProxy error when i try to run my terratest go code for validating EKS cluster on AWS

Getting too many arguments in call to spdy.NewRoundTripperWithProxy error when i try to run my terratest go code which deploys, validates and un-deploys k8s pod to/from AWS EKS

My scripts were perfectly working fine 3 months back but looks like some library change happened in between these 3 months in k8s side which is affecting my scripts

Most problematic part is i am unable to find out at which line number my script is failing

go mod init and go go mod tidy are working fine but as soon as i run go test command getting the error as attached in the screen shot.

enter image description here

My code is present in Dropbox


  • I got resolution from gruntwork community which helped me to fix this issue

    We need to call or use go get -u command which pulls/sets required library to relevant version

    Below steps are the resolutions for the current problem

    1. go mod init
    2. go get -u
    3. go mod tidy -compat=1.17
    4. go test -v -timeout 120m | tee test_output.log