
how to convert AsymmetricKeyPair to base64 encoding string in dart

I‘m a rookie in PointyCastle,how can I generate ecc base64 key pairs with PointyCastle in dart

AsymmetricKeyPair<PublicKey, PrivateKey> generateKeyPair({curve = 'secp256r1'}) {
    var param = curve == 'secp256r1' ? ECCurve_secp256r1() : ECCurve_secp256k1();
    var keyParams = ECKeyGeneratorParameters(param);

    var random = FortunaRandom();

    var generator = ECKeyGenerator();
    generator.init(ParametersWithRandom(keyParams, random));

    return generator.generateKeyPair();
Uint8List _seed() {
    var random = Random.secure();
    var seed = List<int>.generate(32, (_) => random.nextInt(256));
    return Uint8List.fromList(seed);

above I can generate a AsymmetricKeyPair object,how to get public base64 and private base64 like my already done js bundle


besides, at first I want to use my js bundle file in flutter android, but that would be very tough as I know

how to use js bundle in flutter android

I also need to make sign and verify function with ecdsa in sha256

Signer signer = new Signer('SHA-256/ECDSA');
// 签名,参数:私钥,明文
ECSignature sign(String privateKeyStr, String txt) {
    SecureRandom random = _setRadom();
    // how to convert a plain txt to kTestBytes
    final Uint8List kTestBytes = new Uint8List.fromList([1, 2, 3]);

    // if I pass in base64 privateKey str, is the radix 64?
    ECPrivateKey privateKey = new ECPrivateKey(BigInt.parse(privateKeyStr, radix: 10), ecDomain);

    PrivateKeyParameter signParams = new PrivateKeyParameter(privateKey);
    signer.init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(signParams, random));
    ECSignature signature = signer.generateSignature(kTestBytes) as ECSignature;
    return signature;
// 验签
//  参数: 明文,签名,公钥
bool verify(txt, signature, publicKey) {
    // how to make the txt to kTestBytes
    var kTestBytes = txt
    signer.init(false, new PublicKeyParameter(publicKey));
    bool verify = signer.verifySignature(kTestBytes, signature);
    // print(verify);
    return verify;
// I don't know what this function actually do,as I know in other language ecdsa don;t need a random number.
SecureRandom _setRadom() {
    List<int> key = [67, 3, 241, 75, 143, 78, 115, 99, 21, 242, 180, 43, 26, 7, 194, 20];
    List<int> iv = [87, 117, 137, 182, 2, 199, 132, 230, 120, 12, 109, 177, 34, 197, 186, 206];
    KeyParameter keyParam = new KeyParameter(new Uint8List.fromList(key));
    ParametersWithIV<KeyParameter> paramsIV = new ParametersWithIV(keyParam, new Uint8List.fromList(iv));
    SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom('AES/CTR/AUTO-SEED-PRNG')..seed(paramsIV);
    return random;

Any place can I find sample codes, these functions were changed by some copies on the internet。and I got many confuses list in the comment


  • The EC keys are to be exported/imported as a Base64 encoded raw private key and as a Base64 encoded raw uncompressed public key.

    First of all it can be stated that signing and verifying with the posted code works when a fresh key pair is generated:

    AsymmetricKeyPair<PublicKey, PrivateKey> kp = generateKeyPair();
    ECSignature signature = sign(kp.privateKey as ECPrivateKey, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
    bool verified = verify("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", signature, kp.publicKey as ECPublicKey);
    print(verified); // true

    I.e. in the following I will focus on the import/export of the keys. The raw keys are encapsulated in ECPrivateKey and ECPublicKey and can be exported and imported as follows:

    String p256 = 'secp256r1';
    AsymmetricKeyPair<PublicKey, PrivateKey> kp = generateKeyPair(curve: p256);
    // Export
    BigInt d = (kp.privateKey as ECPrivateKey).d!;
    BigInt x = (kp.publicKey as ECPublicKey).Q!.x!.toBigInteger()!;
    BigInt y = (kp.publicKey as ECPublicKey).Q!.y!.toBigInteger()!;
    // Import
    ECDomainParameters domain = ECDomainParameters(p256);
    ECPrivateKey ecPrivateKey = ECPrivateKey(d, domain);
    ECPublicKey ecPublicKey = ECPublicKey(domain.curve.createPoint(x, y), domain);

    Here d is the raw private key and x and y are the x and y coordinates of the raw public key.

    On the JavaScript side, the Base64 encoded raw private key is used and the Base64 encoded raw uncompressed key, where the uncompressed key is the concatenation 0x04 + <x> + <y>. So, for export and import, the following applies:


    The posted key pair


    can be imported and used for signing and verification as follows:

    String rawPrivateB64 = "CVK3r/UxdGCwQBjtn5vN/orUMxKf9E/1TlJzLkMz9t4=";
    String rawUncompressedPublicB64 = "BJH/mWJqgchGxXGA5/E79SsWRwVo3rpduBmD8FOs7UlKiK8PIvwrkCDvUcwhKdysW35OByPjoVcwFqg1NyumLKM=";
    BigInt d = importPrivate(rawPrivateB64);
    List xy = importPublic(rawUncompressedPublicB64);
    BigInt x = xy.elementAt(0);
    BigInt y = xy.elementAt(1);
    ECDomainParameters domain = ECDomainParameters('secp256r1');
    ECPrivateKey private = ECPrivateKey(d, domain);
    ECPublicKey public = ECPublicKey(domain.curve.createPoint(x, y), domain);
    ECSignature signature = sign(private, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
    bool verified = verify("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", signature, public);
    print(verified); // true

    Edit: Regarding your comment: sign() and verify() are the methods you posted, but according to the changes, the keys are now passed directly (instead of strings) and the actual message is applied (instead of [1,2,3]) using utf8.encode() for UTF-8 encoding:

    import 'dart:convert';
    ECSignature sign(ECPrivateKey privateKey, String txt) {
      SecureRandom random = _setRandom();
      Uint8List txtBytes = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(txt));
      PrivateKeyParameter signParams = PrivateKeyParameter(privateKey);
      signer.init(true, ParametersWithRandom(signParams, random));
      ECSignature signature = signer.generateSignature(txtBytes) as ECSignature;
      return signature;
    bool verify(String txt, ECSignature signature, ECPublicKey publicKey) {
      signer.init(false, PublicKeyParameter(publicKey));
      bool verify = signer.verifySignature(Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(txt)), signature);
      return verify;

    As _setRandom() I applied the implementation from generateKeyPair() instead of your implementation (i.e. a FortunaRandom() based CSPRNG).