
What do the JHipster sub-generator phases do?

Recently, I've been trying to implement a blueprint for JHipster. I decided to override the entity and entity-server sub-generators. Each sub-generator has multiple phases of which I can choose to /totally override/partially override/not override/. The phases are :

/ initializing() / prompting() / configuring() / default() / writing() / install() / end() /

I got a vague understanding of what a couple phases do because of the name, but even then it's still not clear enough. I did not find any documentation on sub-generator phases anywhere. Can somebody tell me what is each phase's exact purpose?

If there is documentation on the subject that I didn't find, please link it to me!


  • Jhipster follows Yeoman priorities

    link: https://yeoman.io/authoring/running-context.html#the-run-loop

    The available priorities are (in running order):

    initializing - Your initialization methods (checking current project state, getting configs, etc)
    prompting - Where you prompt users for options (where you’d call this.prompt())
    configuring - Saving configurations and configure the project (creating .editorconfig files and other metadata files)
    default - If the method name doesn’t match a priority, it will be pushed to this group.
    writing - Where you write the generator specific files (routes, controllers, etc)
    install - Where installations are run (npm, bower)
    end - Called last, cleanup, say good bye, etc