The data below has lists in the strata
column. I would like to use the list in the strata
column as the cut-off values. The solution provided below comes from r2evans.
The problem is that I am using quite a large data-set. As a result I was wondering whether there are faster ways to achieve the same thing.
dat <- structure(list(values = c(25, 11, 21, 15), strata = list(c(10, 20, 30, 40), c(10, 20, 30), c(10, 20), c(10, 30))), row.names = c(NA,
-2L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"))
# values strata
# 1: 25 10,20,30,40
# 2: 11 10,20,30
# 3: 21 10,20
# 4: 15 10,30
dat[, cat := mapply(cut, values, strata, oneval=FALSE)]
# values strata cat
# <num> <list> <fctr>
# 1: 25 10,20,30,40 [20,30)
# 2: 11 10,20,30 [10,20)
# 3: 21 10,20 <NA>
# 4: 15 10,30 [10,30]
Result for the actual data:
# 2 minutes
dat[, cat := mapply(cut2, values, strata, oneval=FALSE)]
# 51 seconds
dat[, cat := mapply(cut, values, strata, oneval=FALSE)]
# 21 seconds
solution by arau
# 8 seconds
solution by Uwe
# 44 seconds to load, 0.2 seconds to compute
Solution by onyambu
If you have to speed up things consider using Rcpp. (Note in this case I just wrote a purely c++ function which I read into R using Rcpp)
"std::vector<std::string> interval(std::vector<int> &x,
std::vector<std::vector<int>> &y){
std::vector<std::string> z;
std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), std::back_inserter(z),
[&](int a, std::vector<int> b) {
auto it = std::find_if(b.begin(), b.end(), [=](int w) {return a < w;});
return it==b.begin() | it == b.end()? \"NA\":
'[' + std::to_string(*(it-1)) + ',' + std::to_string(*it) + ')';
return z;
dat[, cat:=interval(values, strata)]
values strata cat
1: 25 10,20,30,40 [20,30)
2: 11 10,20,30 [10,20)
3: 21 10,20 NA
4: 15 10,30 [10,30)
speed comparison:
Note that for a small dataset:
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(OP_solution=dat[, cat := mapply(cut, values, strata, oneval=FALSE)], Rcpp=dat[, cat:=interval(values, strata)], Arau_solution = arau(dat))
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
OP_solution 843.000 878.2010 917.592 898.7510 931.1515 1564.9 100
Rcpp 301.301 317.8515 339.930 326.7015 337.2010 1425.4 100
Arau_solution 3917.300 4059.9010 7295.939 4214.5005 4381.9510 305882.8 100
and for big data:
dat<, replicate(1000, dat, simplify = F))
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(OP_solution=dat[, cat := mapply(cut, values, strata, oneval=FALSE)], Rcpp=dat[, cat:=interval(values, strata)], Arau_solution = long_merge(dat))
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
OP_solution 418.765001 438.206901 463.993935 454.652851 472.974501 782.981200 100
Rcpp 1.547401 1.685352 1.895221 1.759301 1.917451 5.185102 100
Arau_solution 227.064100 239.994302 260.242264 251.936452 264.225652 605.567101 100
Note that Rcpp outperforms the rest. Arun solution is 200 times slower than the Rcpp solution
--- where:
arau <- function(dat){
dat[, tmp_id := .I] # create a temporary identifier for each value row
# NB: can remove the sort call if the strata are already ordered increasing
dat_long = dat[, .(values, lb = sort(unlist(strata))), by = tmp_id]
dat_long[, ub := shift(lb, -1), by = tmp_id]
dat_long = dat_long[!]
dat_result = merge(
dat, dat_long[lb <= values & values < ub, -'values'], by = 'tmp_id', all.x = T)
dat_result[! & !, cat := paste0('[', lb, ', ', ub, ')')]
dat_result[, .(values, strata, cat)]
It is flawed when @uwe claims that the RCPP code provided is slow yet they only compare the last part of their code to the Rcpp code. Why not compare their whole code? Here is the microbenchmark of the two codes--providing the times. Not the graphs.
"std::vector<std::string> interval(std::vector<int> &x,
std::vector<std::vector<int>> &y){
std::vector<std::string> z;
std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), std::back_inserter(z),
[&](int a, std::vector<int> b) {
auto it = std::find_if(b.begin(), b.end(), [=](int w) {return a < w;});
return it==b.begin() | it == b.end()? \"NA\":
'[' + std::to_string(*(it-1)) + ',' + std::to_string(*it) + ')';
return z;
Rcpp_fun <- function(dat1){
dat <- copy(dat1)
dat[, cat:=interval(values, strata)][]
uwe <- function(dat1){
dat <- copy(dat1)
setDT(dat)[, strata_id := .I]
lut <- dat[, .(lo = head(strata[[1]], -1L),
hi = tail(strata[[1]], -1L)), by = strata_id][
, cat := sprintf("[%i,%i)", lo, hi)][]
dat[lut, on = .(strata_id, values >= lo, values < hi), cat :=]
dat[, strata_id:=NULL][]
dat1 <- structure(list(values = c(25, 11, 21, 15), strata = list(c(10, 20, 30, 40), c(10, 20, 30), c(10, 20), c(10, 30))), row.names = c(NA,
-2L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"))
dat1<- rbindlist(replicate(1e5, dat1, simplify = FALSE))
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(Rcpp_fun(dat1), uwe(dat1))
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(Rcpp_fun(dat1), uwe(dat1))
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
Rcpp_fun(dat1) 157.5878 173.5254 216.1008 189.931 227.0475 641.286 100
uwe(dat1) 5905.8138 6332.8186 7096.8007 6689.716 7270.8831 15575.635 100
Clearly the Results show that Rcpp is ATLEAST 30X faster than @uwe code. Why would someone claim Their code is faster yet the graphs provided shows otherwise? Note that the code above takes roughly 5 minutes to do the benchmark.
Unless shown otherwise, the Rcpp code provided is the fastest of the 3 solutions provided.