I am building a server to push notifications using Fire Cloud Messaging. It is super simple, making a test example, just importing firebase.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-admin:7.1.1'
If I don't create the fat Jar, it runs perfectly until it get to the pushService, I am getting a ClassNotFound error for FirebaseConnector. Which I believe it's right. The funny thing is that when I add the library to the FatJar, like this:
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.server.push.NotificationProcess'
from {
configurations.runtime.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
mainClassName = 'com.server.push.NotificationProcess'
I get the no main class error
Error: Could not find or load main class com.server.push.NotificationProcess
It is not a mispelling or anything like that.. also I am including just 1 dependency so I dont see dependency conflict. I am using gradle-5.4.1 if that helps.
Can anyone give me a hand with this?
Much appreciated.
Seems it is too late, but just in case someone looking for the solution,
you can use this plugin