I have one grid that consists of two boundary arrays: lon_bnds
and lat_bnds
. The goal is to pick the points inside the grid.
Here's an example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
lon_bnds = np.array([[-77.9645 , -77.56074 , -77.162025, -76.76827 , -76.37937 ],
[-77.88815 , -77.48613 , -77.08915 , -76.69711 , -76.30993 ],
[-77.811676, -77.41139 , -77.01614 , -76.62582 , -76.24034 ],
[-77.73638 , -77.337814, -76.944275, -76.55565 , -76.17186 ],
[-77.66197 , -77.265114, -76.87326 , -76.48632 , -76.1042 ]])
lat_bnds = np.array([[-77.34674 , -77.35804 , -77.36858 , -77.378395, -77.38752 ],
[-77.28847 , -77.299614, -77.31001 , -77.31969 , -77.328674],
[-77.23022 , -77.24122 , -77.25147 , -77.26101 , -77.26986 ],
[-77.17193 , -77.182785, -77.192894, -77.20229 , -77.211006],
[-77.11363 , -77.12434 , -77.13431 , -77.14357 , -77.15215 ]])
plt.scatter(lon_bnds, lat_bnds, label='corner')
d = {'longitude': [-79, -77.2, -77, -75.5], 'latitude': [-77.4, -77.2, -77.3, -77.3]}
df_points = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
plt.scatter(df_points['longitude'], df_points['latitude'], c='r', label='points')
The results should be the DataFrame which have the two inside points.
I also find this useful question but they used the kdTree to search points around instead of using the exact boundary arrays like my example.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Test if query points are inside the convex hull of another set of points.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import linprog
def in_hull(points, x):
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/43564754/2912349
n_points = len(points)
n_dim = len(x)
c = np.zeros(n_points)
A = np.r_[points.T,np.ones((1,n_points))]
b = np.r_[x, np.ones(1)]
lp = linprog(c, A_eq=A, b_eq=b)
return lp.success
if __name__ == '__main__':
lon_bnds = np.array([[-77.9645 , -77.56074 , -77.162025, -76.76827 , -76.37937 ],
[-77.88815 , -77.48613 , -77.08915 , -76.69711 , -76.30993 ],
[-77.811676, -77.41139 , -77.01614 , -76.62582 , -76.24034 ],
[-77.73638 , -77.337814, -76.944275, -76.55565 , -76.17186 ],
[-77.66197 , -77.265114, -76.87326 , -76.48632 , -76.1042 ]])
lat_bnds = np.array([[-77.34674 , -77.35804 , -77.36858 , -77.378395, -77.38752 ],
[-77.28847 , -77.299614, -77.31001 , -77.31969 , -77.328674],
[-77.23022 , -77.24122 , -77.25147 , -77.26101 , -77.26986 ],
[-77.17193 , -77.182785, -77.192894, -77.20229 , -77.211006],
[-77.11363 , -77.12434 , -77.13431 , -77.14357 , -77.15215 ]])
points = np.c_[lon_bnds.ravel(), lat_bnds.ravel()]
d = {'longitude': [-79, -77.2, -77, -75.5], 'latitude': [-77.4, -77.2, -77.3, -77.3]}
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
df['in hull'] = df[['longitude', 'latitude']].apply(lambda x : in_hull(points, x.values), axis=1)
# longitude latitude in hull
# 0 -79.0 -77.4 False
# 1 -77.2 -77.2 True
# 2 -77.0 -77.3 True
# 3 -75.5 -77.3 False