I'm trying to use VBA to read in a filename of an excel file, open it, get a value in it, and write the value into a cell in my main excel file.
Specifically, in one excel sheet, named GetValues.xlsm, I have in cell "A1" the name of a file, "Test1.xlsx". I am trying to open this file, then assign the value in cell "A1" to cell "B1" in GetValues.xlsm. I am trying to use a function, below, to do this;
Function Getvalue(myFile)
'Dim myPath As String
'Dim myExtension As String
myPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\"
myFile = myPath & myFile
Workbooks.Open myFile
Debug.Print "myFile: "; myFile
Debug.Print "ActiveWorkbook: "; ActiveWorkbook.Name
'Val = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value
GetValue = 1
End Function
So that in cell "B1" of GetValues.xlsm I type
which gives me the result:
myFile: G:\Teaching-CAL\MAE343-CompressibleFlow\04_Codes\LVL\Test1.xlsx
ActiveWorkbook: GetValues.xlsm
My issue is that I'm expecting ActiveWorkbook to be the Test1.xlsx file, but as you can see in the output it is giving me GetValues.xlsm.
I assign the value of 1 to "GetValue" so I can attempt to debug this function.
Thanks in advance for your help.
If it's OK with you to fill cell B1 of "GetValues.xlsm" active sheet with the value of cell A1 in "Test1.xlsx" without UDF and without opening "Test1.xlsx" workbook :
Sub test()
Dim p As String: Dim f As String
Dim s As String: Dim c As String
p = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" 'the path directory
f = Range("A1").Value 'the name of the file
s = "Sheet1" 'the name of the sheet
c = "a1" 'the cell
Ret = "'" & p & "[" & f & "]" & _
s & "'!" & Range(c).Address(True, True, -4150)
Range("B1").Value = ExecuteExcel4Macro(Ret)
End Sub
The sub above will fill cell B1 of "GetValues.xlsm" active sheet with the value of cell A1 sheet1 of whatever_the_name_of_the_ExcelFile you wrote in cell A1 of "GetValues.xlsm" active sheet without opening that whatever_the_name_of_the_ExcelFile.
"GetValues.xlsm" must be in the same folder with whatever_the_name_of_the_ExcelFile.