
create2 not working in tron, gives empty bytecode

So, I've a contract which deploys using create2 i.e., custom salt. Its working perfectly in Ethereum but with Tron it's not. When its called, the result of the contract ( which is created by create2 ) is empty. The contract ABI and Bytecode both shows null. I dont know why its happening. Am I missing something?

Here is the part of the code of my contract

function deploy(address _owner, uint256 _salt) public returns (address addr) {
        bytes memory bytecode = getBytecode(_owner);
        assembly {
            addr := create2(
                add(bytecode, 0x20),

            if iszero(extcodesize(addr)) {
                revert(0, 0)

        emit Deployed(addr, _salt);

function getBytecode(address _owner) public pure returns (bytes memory) {
    bytes memory bytecode = type(Forwarder).creationCode;
    return abi.encodePacked(bytecode, abi.encode(_owner));

Forwarder is my Contract

This is one of my contract which is deployed by create2

If anyone need anymore info, Let me know. I wanna solve this.


  • So, we cannot get ABI and bytecode of a contract deployed using create2 said by tron support team. and they provided a solution i.e.,

    let instance = await tronWeb.contract().at("TREwN2qRkME9TyQUz8dG6HfjEyKGMPHAS5");
    let res = await instance.totalSupply().call({_isConstant:true})

    so we can get the instance from contract address and load the ABI and then we can call the contract function and perform operation.