I want to create draggable table rows with MudTable. To be able to set the draggable attribute on a tr element, I used the ChildRowContent and left the RowTemplate empty, since RowTemplate will generate the tr element automatically having no ability to set attributes like draggable.
<MudTr draggable="true"
ondragstart="event.dataTransfer.setData('', event.target.id);"
But unfortunately when I drag a table row It seems to drag the whole table. Is there an easier way to achieve this with MudTable?
It seems that the problem was caused by a MudMenu element inside a column, which was rendering a with a "map-ripple" class.
By setting <MudMenu DisableRipple="true">
this issue can be resolved. Now when I drag a row it will only drag the row and not other parts of the UI.
Edit: Here is the full example code:
<MudTable T="GridModel"
<col class="action-column" />
<col class="action-column" />
<MudTr ondragover="event.preventDefault();"
@ondragenter="() => DragEnter(context.Index, false)"
@ondrop="async () => await DropAsync(context.Index)"
Class="@($"{(IsEntering(context.Index) && draggedItem?.Index != context.Index - 1 ? "enter" : "hide")} {(enterAfterDropZone == false ? "dropzone" : "")}")">
<MudTd colspan="2">
@ondragstart="() => DragStart(context)"
@ondragenter="() => DragEnter(context.Index, false)"
@ondrop="() => DropAsync(context.Index)"
@ondragend="() => DragEnd()"
<MudMenu Icon="@Icons.Filled.MoreVert" Size="Size.Small" DisableRipple="true">
@(context.Index + 1)
<MudTr ondragover="event.preventDefault();"
@ondragenter="() => DragEnter(context.Index, true)"
@ondrop="() => DropAsync(draggedItem?.Index < context.Index ? context.Index : context.Index + 1)"
Class="@($"{(IsEntering(context.Index) && draggedItem?.Index != context.Index + 1 ? "enter" : "hide")} {(enterAfterDropZone == true ? "dropzone" : "")}")">
<MudTd colspan="2">
public partial class Component
public IEnumerable<GridModel> Items { get; set; } = null!;
public bool Disabled { get; set; } = false;
private GridModel? draggedItem;
private int? enterIndex;
private bool? enterAfterDropZone;
private void DragStart(GridModel model)
draggedItem = model;
private void DragEnter(int index, bool isAfterDropZone)
if(draggedItem?.Index == index)
enterIndex = null;
enterAfterDropZone = null;
enterIndex = index;
enterAfterDropZone = isAfterDropZone;
private async Task DropAsync(int index)
private void DragEnd()
draggedItem = null;
enterIndex = null;
enterAfterDropZone = null;
private bool IsEntering(int index)
return enterIndex == index;
private string IsDraggable()
return "true";