
Alternative that doesn't violate the Liskov substitution principle

Considering the following structure of classes:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class ModelSettings(ABC):

class BlueModelSettings(ModelSettings):

class RedModelSettings(ModelSettings):

class Model(ABC):
    def compute(self, settings: ModelSettings):

class BlueModel(Model):
    def compute(self, settings: BlueModelSettings):

class RedModel(Model):
    def compute(self, settings: RedModelSettings):

MyPy is complaining that the implementations of compute in BlueModel and RedModel violate the Liskov substitution principle. I understand this and also understand why it makes sense.

My question is, instead of the above structure, what would be another approach that would satisfy the following requirements:

In a way, I essentially want that a subclass' method argument is stricter than what its base class stipulates, which goes directly against the Liskov principle. Which is what's telling me there might be a more suitable approach.



  • You need your Model to be generic in the type of settings.

    T = TypeVar('T', bound=ModelSettings)
    class Model(ABC, Generic[T]):
        def compute(self, settings: T):
    class BlueModel(Model[BlueModelSettings]):
        def compute(self, settings: BlueModelSettings):
    class RedModel(Model[RedModelSettings]):
        def compute(self, settings: RedModelSettings):