I have a test user who has confirmed their email with AWS Cognito. I get a NotAuthorizedException: Incorrect username or password.
when I attempt to initiate auth with them using their email and password. Currently, I can only authenticate users with their username.
Here is how I am initiating auth with a user. I supply their email in the USERNAME
public initiateAuth(args: WithAuthFlowType<InitiateAuth>): Promise<InitiateAuthCommandOutput> {
return new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({region: "us-east-1"}).send(
new InitiateAuthCommand({ //https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-cognito-identity-provider/classes/initiateauthcommand.html
ClientId: "<some_client_id>",
AuthFlow: AuthFlowType.USER_PASSWORD_AUTH,
AuthParameters: {
USERNAME: "foo@bar.com",
PASSWORD: "1234...",
I believe I configured AWS Cognito well. In the console it shows users can sign in with their email. How can I let my users authenticate with their email and password?
Discovered that this was user error. User had a period in their email like.
The user was attempting to sign in as
Which is why they were unable to sign in.