I'm using Atom as code editor on Ubuntu 20.04 and I currently try whether VS Code might be a replacement for my purposes. One thing that annoys me a lot with VS code is that linting doesn't work as expected - and as I was used to with Atom. The below will be specifically for pycodestyle.
One issue is that quite a lot of warnings are not reported at all, such as e225 or e303.
Another is that too long lines are ignored at all once I increase the 80 character limit to 120 by adding the args "--line-length" and "120".
How can I fix these issues?
The functions you mentioned are the requirements of "flake8". You need to install falke8 and yapf first by the following code :
pip install flake8
pip install yapf
Then we configure linting in vscode and add the following contents to setting.json(ctrl+shift+P
and choose "preferences:open settings(json)"):
"python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
"python.formatting.provider": "yapf",
"python.linting.flake8Args": [
"python.linting.pylintEnabled": false
In this way, the format recognition of flake8 is started, and your second problem can also be effectively solved. I made a simple reproduction: