
Permission error in GCP when creating a new compute instance but service account does have permissions

I am running a cloudbuild.yaml job in Google Cloud Platform that builds, pushes and tags a Docker Image and then it creates a Compute Engine instance to run that image via I also specify a service account to be used in this step:

- id: "Create Compute Engine instance"
  args: [

However I am getting an error:

Already have image (with digest):
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.create-with-container) Could not fetch resource:
 - Required 'compute.instances.create' permission for 'projects/...'

The service account in use does have the permissions for that as it has been assigned "role": "roles/compute.instanceAdmin.v1", which includes compute.instances.* as per documentation.

Anyone has experienced this or a similar situation and can give a hint on how to proceed? Am I missing something obvious? I have tried using other service accounts, including the project default compute account and get the same error. One thing to note is I do not specify a service account for Docker steps (


  • Make sure that you are not misinterpreting service accounts. There is a special service account used by Cloud Build. There is also the service account to "be used" by the VM/instance you are creating.

    The "compute.instances.create" permission should be granted to the special Cloud Build account, not to the account for the instance.

    The Cloud Build account has a name like

    In the Cloud Console go to Cloud Build -> Settings -> Service Accounts and check if correct permissions are granted.

    Cloud Console