I want to perform two business operations, in a Webflux environment, in a way that the second operation happens only after the first one is succesfull. After the second one is done, I want to return the result of the first operation. The second operation calls a org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient. This is what I have tried until now:
public Mono<ResponseEntity<Resource>> callOperations(){
return service.operation1()
.flatMap(resource -> {
return resource;
I also tried with then and subscribe but I can't get the webclient to perform the call and return the result of service.operation1. What must I do?
You need to construct a flow using reactive operators and let WebFlux subscribe to it. In your snippet there is no subscription to service.operation2()
public Mono<ResponseEntity<Resource>> callOperations(){
return service.operation1()
.flatMap(resource -> {
return service.operation2()