
How to make react-window FixedSizeList scroll with the viewport instead of the component's scroll bar?

I am trying to integrate react-window's FixedSizeList and FixedSizeGrid components to increase the initial rendering speed of my page. Is there some way for me to let the user scroll down the react-window component using the viewport's scrolling area? I was also wondering if there is some way to remove the scrollbar from the react-window component and only use the viewport's scrolling as I described above.

I tried integrating the documentation version of FixedSizeList into my page and as you can see, since the total height of all my rows is greater than the height I specified in the component so the vertical scrollbar beside the component appears, which I want to remove. I also cannot figure out how to let scrolling downwards on the viewport make the react-window component scroll down the rest of its rows.

From looking online, I think I might need to modify the CSS style of the FixedSizeList to have overflow:hidden to remove the scrollbar but how can I ensure that I keep the scrolling functionality and that the user can scroll down the component from anywhere in the viewport?

Current version with no react-window

FixedSizeList version

  const Row = ({ index, style }) => (
    <div style={style}>Row {index}</div>



  • One solution is to use a package linked from the react-window github page called react-virtualized-auto-sizer. It is also made by bvaughn and is a good solution to the problem.

    This solves the issue by allowing you to set the height of your FixedSizedList to the height of its content, so it does not get a scrollbar. Here's how that would look:

        {({ height, width }) => (

    Here's a full example on codesandbox: Edit compassionate-keldysh-nsrkw0