Working on a Cinnamon applet (Example). These use Javascript interpreted by the cjs interpreter and run without a console window.
How can I log something to a file or to a console from within the code I am working on?
I can not put test code into a separate Javascript file and run it with cjs <the file>
, because there I do not have access to modules provided to applets by Cinnamon.
To log from the javascript:
global.log('my message')
To inspect things, including objects with possibly circular references, define this function:
const inspect = (function() {
function replace_circular_references(show_private_keys) {
let fullpaths = new Map(), cleanpaths= new Map(), rootobject = null
return function(key, value) {
let decycled; {
if (!show_private_keys && key.startsWith('_')) return undefined
let path = fullpaths.get(this) + (
Array.isArray(this) ? `[${key}]` : `.${key}` )
let is_complex = value === Object(value)
if (is_complex) fullpaths.set(value, path)
let cleanpath = cleanpaths.get(value) || ''
if (!cleanpath && is_complex)
cleanpaths.set(value, path.replace(/undefined\.\.?/, ''))
decycled = cleanpath ?
`${cleanpath[0] == '[' ? '(this)' : '(this).'}${cleanpath}`
: value
if (rootobject === null) rootobject = value
else if (decycled === rootobject) { decycled = "(this)" }
return decycled
return function (nameofthing, thing, show_private_keys=true, fold=null) {
try {
let thingrepr; {
thingrepr = JSON.stringify(
thing, replace_circular_references(show_private_keys), '\t'
/"([^\n"]+)"[:] /g, "$1: " // prettify keys
/"(\(this\)[^\n"]*)"/g, "$1" // prettify circular refs
if (fold !== null) { // maybe fold away some things
for (const key of fold) {
thingrepr = thingrepr.replace(
new RegExp(`^([ ]*)${key}: [{][^]*?\\n\\1[}]`, 'gm'),
"$1" + key + ": {...}"
new RegExp(`^([ ]*)${key}: \\[[^]*?\\n\\1\\]`, 'gm'),
"$1" + key + ": [...]"
global.log(`\n${nameofthing} = ${thingrepr}`)
} catch (error) {
global.log(`${nameofthing} = (oops, can not do that)`)
and use it like so:
inspect('myobject', myobject)
or like so, to hide keys starting with underscores:
inspect('myobject', myobject, false)
or like so, to fold specific keys you are not interested in:
inspect('myobject', myobject, true, ['key1', 'key2', ...])
To view the logged messages, either use the console or a GUI (or both).
tail -f ~/.xsession-errors
Or, prior to Cinnamon 3.8.8:
tail -f ~/.cinnamon/glass.log
Press ctrl
+ c
to abort the logging.
To reload the applet:
dbus-send --session --dest=org.Cinnamon.LookingGlass -- \
type=method_call /org/Cinnamon/LookingGlass \
org.Cinnamon.LookingGlass.ReloadExtension \
string:'your-applet-uuid' \
where your-applet-uuid
is the value of the uuid
key in metadata.json.
It is simplest to run this command from another console, so you do not have to abort the logging.
Cinnamon also has the Melange-Cinnamon debugger. To open it:
Win key
+ L
+ F2
→ type "lg" → Enter
.The logging happens under the log tab.
To reload the code of the applet, find it under the extensions tab, right click → reload code.
To reload Cinnamon and do other things, use the Actions button.
The debugger has a small bug, sometimes the scroll bar disappears when long stuff gets logged. To get it back, press ctrl
+ Home
and ctrl
+ End
To be able to have the debugger window in the background, right click its title bar.