i was making the dynamic element by using innerhtml, but i did not get the element id dynamically.
var videoWrap = document.getElementsByClassName('videoWrap');
//console value
0: div#cardvideo_localstream.p-1.position-relative.videowrap
cardvideo_localstream: div#cardvideo_localstream.p-1.position-relative.videowrap
length: 1
[[Prototype]]: HTMLCollection
item: ƒ item()
length: (...)
namedItem: ƒ namedItem()
constructor: ƒ HTMLCollection()
Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ values()
Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "HTMLCollection"
get length: ƒ length()
[[Prototype]]: Object
i want to get the id value -> #cardvideo_localstream
There are two ways:
You can get dynamic id by retrieving tag-name or class-name as you prefer. But the structure should be fixed. You need to parse result of output(e.g property value) and get id wherever is located.
In another way the output you give you can simply trim the string and get id.
But in both case the format/structure should be fix otherwise it'll break.