Looking to convert an oci response to a Python dict, so I can print out various fields. But I can't manage to get a Python dictionary object.
import oci
import json
myresp = core_client.list_instances(compartment,display_name="myinstance").data
# myresp is of type LIST
# Convert the Python object response to a JSON string
myjson = json.dumps(str(myresp))
# myjson is of type STR
# Convert JSON string to Python dict
mypyth = json.loads(myjson)
# Script fails, mypyth is of type STR, not dict as expected```
Fixed this by removing the outer [] brackets from the OCI response. You then have valid JSON, which you can convert to a Python dict.
import oci
import json
myresp = core_client.list_instances(compartment,display_name="myinstance").data
# myresp is of type LIST
# Strip out contents of the list
myresp_list = (myresp[0])
# Convert JSON string to Python dict
mypyth = json.loads(str(myjson_list))
# Script succeeds, mypyth is of type DIR as expected