I am trying to create a chat app in Laravel. When a conversation is created between users, I don't want to record a user as host user. I would like to get a conversation filtered by given users. Example: If USER_1 and USER_2 belong to CONVERSATION_1, I want to filter out CONVERSATION_1 by USER_1 and USER_2 ids.
Here is my table structures.
Here is my conversation service.
class ConversationService
public static function first(User $user){
$admin = getAdmin();
$conversation = Conversation::whereHas("users", function($q) use($user, $admin){
$q->where("user_id", $user->id)->where("user_id", $admin->id);
I know I can't use this statement. $q->where("user_id", $user->id)->where("user_id", $admin->id);
Could you please guide me how to filter a conversation by user ids?
Since the conversation must belong to both users explicitly, just double on the condition, one for each user
$conversation = Conversation::query()
->whereHas("users", function($q) use($admin){
$q->where("user_id", $admin->id);
->whereHas("users", function($q) use($user){
$q->where("user_id", $user->id);
Once you see this version of the code, it will tick that it's simple logic.