
Fitting an ellipsoid to 3D data points

I have a large set of 3D data points to which I want to fit to an ellipsoid.

My maths is pretty poor, so I'm having trouble implementing the least squares method without any math libraries.

Does anyone know of or have a piece of code that can fit an ellipsoid to data which I can plug straight into my project? In C would be best, but it should be no problem for me to convert from C++, Java, C#, python etc.

EDIT: Just being able to find the centre would be a huge help too. Note that the points aren't evenly spaced so taking the mean won't result in the centre.


  • Least Squares data fitting is probably a good methodology give the nature of the data you describe. The GNU Scientific Library contains linear and non-linear least squares data fitting routines. In your case, you may be able to transform your data into a linear space and use linear least-squares, but that would depend on your actual use case. Otherwise, you'll need to use non-linear methods.