I am developing an add-on for Google Docs. The add-on is being constantly updated and therefore I have created an auto-update mechanism which works by saving the last script version used to a Document Property for each document, and then I check if there is a new version available by listing all script versions with the Apps Script API, like so:
var oauthtoken = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
var resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch(`https://script.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${ScriptApp.getScriptId()}/versions`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + oauthtoken,
'method': 'GET',
'muteHttpExceptions': true,
resp = JSON.parse(res.getContentText());
var last_version = resp.versions[0].versionNumber;
var current_version = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().getProperty('ADD_ON_VERSION');
if (version != last_version) {
PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().setProperty('ADD_ON_VERSION', last_version);
// new version available
The problem with this is that if a user does not have access to the Script (script wasn't shared with him - like a Google Drive file share), the request to https://script.googleapis.com/v1/projects/{sciprt_id}/versions
yeilds a 403 Unauthorized error.
Is there a way to give the entire organization access to specifically this request URL?
What you can see in "Shared with me"
Files shared with you.
Folders shared with you.
Files shared with a link that you have opened.
Just imagine what would happen otherwise - all publicly shared Apps Script files of which there are thousands - if not millions - would show up in your https://script.google.com/home/shared and Shared with me
, as well as with the API method Files:list!