
MxGraph JavaScript: How to calculate edge length?

I am looking for a way to calculate the length of the edges in one graph. As an example this image: The connecting edge contains three parts, (a,b and c) I have no idea how to retrieve this information that I can sum up the distances of a + b + c.

On a more complexe graph I want to calculate the length for each edge. There I would loop through all models of the graph, check with .isEdge if it is an edge and then calculate the length of each edge.

let cells = graph.getModel().cells;
for(let key in cells){
    let mxCell = cells[key];
        } }

calcLength() is the function I need. This one should return the length of the edge.

I used the helloPorts example from jGraph.

Thanks in advance!!


  • Back again,

    together with a friend we found the solution. The information is stored under the graphView in the state as the length.


    This is part of the mxCell object. If you are looking for the Euclidian length of an edge, this is stored under terminalDistance.


    The code would look like this to access it:

                    let cells = graph.getModel().cells;
                    let graphView = graph.getView();
                    // The getModel needs to be triggered before the loop otherwise the the mxCell state is undefined
                    for(let key in cells){
                        let mxCell = cells[key];
                            let state = graphView.getState(mxCell).length;