I want to concatenate array1 array2 ... to one array how is fast way:
array1 db 0CFh, 0C2h, 0ABh, 01Bh, 0C1h, 007h, 0F7h, 06Dh, 0DAh, 0F2h, 0DCh, 03Ch....; about 2000 dup
array2 db 0BFh, 03Dh, 087h, 0F1h, 0A6h, 097h, 0A6h, 05Bh, 010h, 0F2h, 051h, 05Eh ...
.data ?
arrayOut dd ?
invoke crt_memcpy, array, addr array1, sizeof array1
mov ecx, [arrayOut]
add ecx,sizeof array1
invoke crt_memcpy,dword ptr[ecx], addr array2, sizeof array2 ???
I also try use code as below:
mov eax, 0
mov ecx, sizeof array1 *2
mov edi, 0
mov esi, 0
mov al, [array1 + esi * TYPE BYTE]
movsx eax, al
mov arrayOut[esi], eax
cmp ecx,esi
jbe GoOnNext
inc esi
loop L1
mov ecx, sizeof array2 *2
mov edi,0
mov bl, [array2 + edi * TYPE BYTE]
movsx ebx, bl
mov arrayOut[esi], ebx
cmp ecx,edi
jbe nextstep
inc esi
add edi,1
loop L2
mov eax, arrayOut
But if the size of the array is large, I get the wrong result。
But if the size of the array is large, I get the wrong result
With a declaration like arrayOut dd ?
, there's not enough room to copy to! Based on the mention that both arrays contain about 2000 bytes, you could make this something like:
arrayOut db 4096 dup ?
Next is a basic way to copy a block of memory:
cld ; Makes the addresses ESI and EDI increment
mov edi, OFFSET arrayOut ; Destination
mov esi, OFFSET array1 ; Source
mov ecx, SIZEOF array1 ; Count
rep movsb
In order to concatenate, you then copy the second array but you don't modify the value in the destination register EDI. This way the second copy continues where the first copy left off.
mov esi, OFFSET array2 ; Source
mov ecx, SIZEOF array2 ; Count
rep movsb