I installed NGINX Controller 2 years ago using Helm 2 in our AKS clusters, and it pulled the image from quay.io at the time:
We are now looking to upgrade our NGINX ingress controllers, and in our new clusters I see the image repo is gcr.io:
I ran the following command using Helm 3 to upgrade Kubernetes NGINX Controller to no avail in our old cluster with controller from quay.io:
helm upgrade awesome-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace ingress-nginx -f nginx-reuse-values-file.yaml
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: current release manifest contains removed kubernetes api(s) for this kubernetes version and it is therefore unable to build the kubernetes objects for performing the diff. error from kubernetes: unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "extensions/v1beta1"
The K8s version is 1.20.9.
The current quay.io NGINX ingress controller manifest shows following version:
apiVersion: apps/v1
Well, figured it out:
The Helm mapkubeapis plugin for the win. I had to update deprecated APIs as evident in the error message in my original post. Ran Helm upgrade after updating to the latest APIs for my K8s version successfully.