
Why am getting the following error when adjusting a glmm with the "glmmTMB" function and I try to obtain the confidence intervals?

I am trying to run the following model:

Mm3znb<-glmmTMB(total~ Geopolitical-1 + offset(logha) + YearCollected + tmn + (tmn|Site/Plot), ziformula = ~1, data = mc3m, family="nbinom2")

but when I try to obtain the confidence intervals am getting this error:

Error in dimnames(x) <- dn : 
  length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent

Does anyone know what this issue might be?


  • This is a problem that has been fixed very recently (June 2022) in the development version (confint wasn't working in models with more than one random effect; (tmn|Site/Plot) is implicitly two random effects, as it gets expanded to (tmn|Site) + (tmn|Site:Plot) internally).

    If you can (you will need to install development tools - e.g. Xcode if you're on MacOS, Rtools if you're on Windows), install the development version via


    The pkgdown page has a little more information about installing (if all else fails, contact the developers to see if they can make a recent binary package available).