
IddCx Driver frame stutters, potentially caused by OS version issues

I am working on a IddCx indirect Display Driver. I have run into a bug that I cant find any reason to blame my own code on. Every two seconds or so IddCxSwapChainReleaseAndAcquireBuffer takes over 100ms, up to 8000ms to complete. It normally takes below 16ms to complete (depends on your frame rate).

I even added timestamps to the IddCx Sample code from Microsoft. It still has this issue, so it cant be a fault with my own code. I have exhausted most of my debugging options.

Things I think may be solutions that I need help on.


  • forgot to close this.

    Realized the issue was that the monitor desktop simply wasnt updating. So the OS was just rendering the desktop less often, resulting in less frames being pushed to the swapchain for me to grab