im doing an Laravel 9 project, where i store image on azure accout. I use this library
I try to connect with SAS Token it works but i got AuthorizationPermissionMismatch when i try to read it :
Route::get('/azure-test', function() {
$path = '';
$disk = \Storage::disk('azure');
$files = $disk->files($path);
My configuration :
'driver' => 'azure',
'driver' => 'azure',
'sasToken' => env('AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN'),
'container' => env('AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER'),
'url' => env('AZURE_STORAGE_URL'),
'prefix' => null,
'endpoint' => env('AZURE_STORAGE_ENDPOINT'),
'retry' => [
'tries' => 3,
'interval' => 500,
'increase' => 'exponential'
Just to be clear the file exist, i test it without SAS token configuration it display informations about my test file. I already searched and did some change, like assigned my account to roles "Storage Blob Data Contributor” and “Storage Queue Data Contributor", my sas token still work when i try to see my file "" it works.
Any Idea ?
AFAIK, To resolve "AuthorizationPermissionMismatch" error try assigning Storage Blob Data Reader role to your account like below:
Please note that Azure role assignments can take up to five minutes to propagate.
Check whether you have given the below permissions while creating the SAS token:
For more in detail, please refer below links:
Authorize access to blobs with AzCopy & Azure Active Directory | Microsoft Docs
Fixed – authorizationpermissionmismatch Azure Blob Storage – Nishant Rana's Weblog