
Cannot add dynos on Heroku (usingDjango app)

Struggling to get my app available on Heroku. Which is strange because it used to work.

When querying the error (heroku logs --tail), this is what I get

at=error code=H14 desc="No web processes running" method=GET path="/"

I searched the problem and looks like I am not running any web dynos.

I therefore, went with the following

$ heroku ps:scale web=1

Unfortunately, I then came across the following error message:

Scaling dynos... !  !    Couldn't find that process type (web).

When checking with heroku ps, it does say No dynos on "AppName"

The Heroku website advises that this is related to the Procfile, which mine seem to be correct:

web:gunicorn mysite.wsgi

I have removed the buildpacks as suggested using

heroku buildpacks:clear

I retried to add some dynos, but still no luck.

Would anyone be able to know tell me what I am doing wrong here? Did I miss a step?


  • There should be a space after web: in your Procfile:

    web: gunicorn mysite.wsgi

    The general format is:

    <process type>: <command>