I need help with generating random numbers.
p - The probability that a pcr test of a sick person, will show us a positive result. q - The probability that a pcr test of a healthy person, will show us a positive result. s - The general percentage of patients in the population.
Let q = 10%, p = 95% and s = 20%
With this information, I need to generate data for 1000 people who came to be tested.
What I tried to do?
s = 0.2
p = 0.95
q = 0.1
true_result = c()
test_result = c()
for (i in 1:1000){
x = runif(1,0,1)
if (x<=s){
true_result = append(true_result,1)
r = runif(1,0,1)
if (r<=p){
test_result = append(test_result,1)
test_result = append(test_result,0)
true_result = append(true_result,0)
r = runif(1,0,1)
if (r<=q){
test_result = append(test_result,1)
test_result = append(test_result,0)
sick = sum(true_result)
tested_sick = sum(test_result)
I'm not sure if this is true and I wanted to know maybe there is another way to do it?
Another question, can it be presented as a binomial distribution?
How about something like this:
# Sick and positive: .2*.95 = .19
# Sick and negative: .2*.05 = .01
# Healthy and positive: .8*.1=.08
# Healthy and negative: .8*.9 = .72
samp <- sample(1:4, 1000, replace=TRUE, prob=c(.19,.01,.08,.72))
stat <- c("sick", "sick", "healthy", "healthy")
tst <- c("positive", "negative", "positive", "negative")
test_data <- data.frame(
health = stat[samp],
test_result = tst[samp]
#> health test_result
#> 1 healthy negative
#> 2 healthy negative
#> 3 healthy negative
#> 4 sick positive
#> 5 sick positive
#> 6 healthy negative
Created on 2022-06-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)