I have to write a conditional statement to make a certain percentage value green if its positive and red if its negative. But I am not sure where to write this conditional statement.
{this.state.tableData.map((row, index)=>{
<Box component="span" sx={{}}>
<Grid > {row.data.direction}</Grid>
<Grid > ({row.data.marketD}%) today </Grid>
I need to make row.data.marketD
show colour.
color: {row.data.marketD}<0 ? 'red':'green'.
But I have no idea which tag to include this condition in. Any help is appreciated.
Consider the answer as a concept. Your ui library may provide another way.
<span style={{color:row.data.MarketD<0 ? 'red' : 'green'}}>{row.data.marketD}</span>