
How import RAML latest version in mule application?

I have a RAML with one get endpoint. Import this RAML in mule app. Now i have api router kit with one get endpoint. If i have update my RAML and add new POST endpoint, then how i can import latest RAML in existing mule application.


  • The instructions to update an API specification in a project are explained in the documentation page

    To update the API specification:

    1. In the Package Explorer view, right-click the Mule project that contains the API specification you want to update.

    2. Select API Specs > the name of your API > Update Version. After you update the specification, Studio asks you if you want to regenerate the flows based on the new version.

    To manually generate a flow for the updated API, right-click the Mule project where you updated the API specification, and select API Specs the name of your API > Generate Flows.