I am trying to DER encode REAL data in binary 2 base form using C++. I calculate the mantissa and exponent with the following algorithm.
sample data = 32.3125
function, extract double
mantissa and int
mantissa 0.5048828125
exponent 6
exponent -4
09 04 80(binary 2 base) FC(exp) 02 05(mantissa)
Is this encoding correct? In the standard(X.690-0207), it talks about mantissa representation in a different form.
8.5.6 When binary encoding is used (bit 8 = 1), then if the mantissa M is non-zero, it shall be represented by a sign S, a positive integer value N and a binary scaling factor F, such that: M = S × N × 2F
In the Canonical Encoding Rules and the Distinguished Encoding Rules normalization is specified and the mantissa (unless it is 0) needs to be repeatedly shifted until the least significant bit is a 1.
Is this necessary to convert the mantissa in this format and encode N and F, or is it ok to keep the F as '0' as in my example?
Your encoding is correct. Note that the requirements for DER are covered in X.690 11.3, and you have met them (you are using base 2, your mantissa is odd, and F = 0). F != 0 is only ever needed when encoding using base 8 or 16.