I want to create a shell that reads a text file.
The file, users_test.txt
, looks like:
Headers - Group : Team : User
Group_A:Team_Red Team_Green:worker_1 worker_2 worker_2 worker_3
Group_B:Team_Blue Team_Black Team_Grey:worker_4 worker_2 worker_5 worker_6
I want to loop through the .txt file above which is colon separated. Here is my current solution.
# set filename
# loop through file, each line is divided into 3 fields separated by a colon (:)
while IFS=':' read -r groups teams users
echo "group $groups has teams $teams and user $users"
for team in $teams; do
echo "hey: "$team
for group in $groups; do
echo "hi: "$group
# Iterate the string variable using for loop
for user in $users; do
echo "hello: "$user
done < "$FILENAME"
Why does it end after the first loop iteration?
admin@computer:$ ./setup-test1.sh
group has teams Team_Red Team_Green and user worker_1 worker_2 worker_2 worker_3
hey: Team_Red
hey: Team_Green
hi: Group_A
hello: worker_1
hello: worker_2
hello: worker_2
hello: worker_3
It seems to work fine but it ends after the first line, as a result Group B isn't printed.
Can anyone tell my why the script only reads the first line containing Group_A but not the second line with Group_B?
Given your comment that your file doesn't end in a linefeed, 0a
$ printf 'foo\n' | xxd
00000000: 666f 6f0a foo.
$ printf 'foo' | xxd
00000000: 666f 6f foo
here's the difference when trying to read such a file:
$ while IFS= read -r line; do echo "line=$line"; done < <(printf 'foo\n')
$ while IFS= read -r line; do echo "line=$line"; done < <(printf 'foo')
A file that doesn't have a linefeed at the end is not a valid text file and so trying to read it with any text processing tool (e.g. read - note "The standard input shall be a text file.") is undefined behavior. It's not worth wasting time on what any tool does with such a file and why, just don't create files like that if you want to do any further text processing on them. If your editor creates files without terminating linefeeds then get a new editor, e.g. vi