
Draw a scaled bitmap using wxhaskell

The imageviewer example shows how to display an image in a ScrolledWindow.

What if I want to display the image in the available space, scaling the bitmap as needed?

My google-fu failed me on this one.

edit: I thought I had something with scrolledWindowSetScale, but it looks like it's not going to help here.


  • Some people pointed me to functions in wxCore, so I could find a solution that works.

    The function that does the drawing in the original example is:

    onPaint vbitmap dc viewArea
      = do mbBitmap <- get vbitmap value
           case mbBitmap of
             Nothing -> return () 
             Just bm -> drawBitmap dc bm pointZero False []

    using dcSetUserScale from wxCore, I was able to modify it to scale that way:

    ( sw is the scrolledWindow )

    onPaint sw img dc viewArea = do
      mimg <- get img value
      case mimg of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just bm -> do
          bsize <- get bm size
          vsize <- get sw size
          let scale = calcScale bsize vsize
          dcSetUserScale dc scale scale
          drawBitmap dc bm pointZero False []
    calcScale :: Size -> Size -> Double
    calcScale (Size bw bh) (Size vw vh) = min scalew scaleh
      where scalew = fromIntegral vw / fromIntegral bw
            scaleh = fromIntegral vh / fromIntegral bh