I'm trying to build an installer with electron-builder but every time I generate the installer and install my application, I get an error that "dist/index" doesn't exist in .asar file. I checked and no dist file is packed inside .asar.
The error I'm getting:
Not allowed to load local resource: file:///C:/Users/user1/AppData/Local/Programs/myApp/resources/app.asar/dist/index.html
I'm building with this script:
"publish": "set GH_TOKEN=<my_token> && electron-builder --win -p always"
Does electron-builder have any flags to tell him where to put the output files?
Okey after some trial and error, I found what was wrong... So basically my package.json was configured wrong. In order to include dist in build it must be specified like this:
"build": {
"appId": "si.app.testing",
"directories": {
"output": "release",
"buildResources": "dist"
"files": [