In a shortcode I want to create a link to an hugo page, how can I do this ?
I tried
{{< ref "page_name" >}}
but I get an error parse failed unexpected "<" in command
I could use for example <a href="https:/">Test</a>
but this is tied to the domain where the site is hosted, I want to be able to use it without this constraint.
Thanks for the help
I found how I can do this, this link was helpful:
so in shortcode I used:
{{ $path := .Get "path" }}
{{ $path := trim $path "/" }}
<!-- now pass it to the relref function -->
{{ $relreflink := relref . $path }}
<a href="{{ $relreflink }}" title="Some title" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Some text</a>
In markdown code then I can use:
{{< my-shortcode path="/my_page" >}}
It seems to work.