How do I get a list of all the Indexed Color mode PNGs that are present in a given folder that contains a lot of other files (which are all images, but they all have different Color Modes) using Python?
Previously tried code:
from PIL import Image
import os
path = 'logos/'
for x in os.listdir (path):
if x.endswith(".png"):
img = + x)
cmode = str(img)
P = 'mode=P' in cmode
if P == True:
print (x + " " + str(img))
Using this code, I got a list of images, some of which are Indexed Color mode, and the rest are RGB color mode (checking them through Photoshop) This is a link to an image that shows up as P through the script, but it is an RGB image in Photoshop. This is a truly Indexed Color image, like the ones that I need to find.
You can use this:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from PIL import Image
from glob import glob
# Start with empty list
paletteImages = []
# Iterate over all PNGs
for f in glob("*.png"):
# Open with PIL
im =
# Append to list if palette image
if 'P' in im.mode: paletteImages.append(f)
More discussion on palette/indexed images here.
Note that the above code will also find PaletteAlpha
images, i.e. those with mode = 'PA'
, so change in
to ==
if you don't want PaletteAlpha
Or you can do it with ImageMagick in the Terminal more simply:
identify -verbose *png | egrep "Filename:|Type|png.IHDR.color_type"
Filename: 3978.png
Type: PaletteAlpha
png:IHDR.color_type: 3 (Indexed)
Filename: 6507.png
Type: Palette
png:IHDR.color_type: 3 (Indexed)
Note that you can get exactly the same results from wand which is a ctypes
binding to ImageMagick.
Or you can use pngcheck
pngcheck *png
OK: 3978.png (64x64, 8-bit palette+trns, non-interlaced, 33.1%).
OK: 6507.png (64x64, 8-bit palette, non-interlaced, 56.3%).
You could call this with a Python
Or you can use exiftool
exiftool *png | egrep "Color Type|File Name"
File Name : 3978.png
Color Type : Palette
File Name : 6507.png
Color Type : Palette
You can get the same results with the Python binding to exiftool
. Example here.
Or you can search for the PLTE, i.e. palette PNG chunk:
grep PLTE *png
Binary file 3978.png matches
Binary file 6507.png matches
Or you can slurp the image with Python and search for string in the slurped file to get the same result:
with open('3978.png', 'rb') as fd:
data =
if b'PLTE' in data:
print('PLTE was found')