In aiml i am not getting the condition values which i have assigned. i'm getting unknown answers here is my code:
<pattern>ask me question</pattern>
let look <srai>QUESTION</srai>
<that>let look *</that>
<set name="letlook"><star/></set>
<condition name="letlook">
<li>no that is not right</li>
<li value="phone"><think><set name="letlook">phone</set></think> right</li>
What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?
<set name="letlook">phone</set></think>
i want it to respond like this
Human: ask me question
Robot: What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?
Human: Phone
Robot: Right
but i am getting this response
Human: ask me question
Robot: What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?
Human: Phone
Robot: no that is not right
How to fix this code? any help is appreciated.
list items in conditions are matched from top to bottom. Your condition will always produce the first answer, as you haven't provided a value, and so it always matches. Swap the <li>
elements around and it will work.
<condition name="letlook">
<li value="phone"><think><set name="letlook">phone</set></think> right</li>
<li>no that is not right</li>
Oh, and you don't need to set "letlook" to "phone" in your li as it will already have that value.