I'm creating a pdf file using an html template and weasyprint to convert the html file to a pdf file
The code works perfectly, but also create an html file like the pdf file
Is there a way to avoid creating the html file but only the pdf file??
this is my code
class Crud_db:
def __init__(self, database = 'database.db'):
self.database = database
def connect(self):
self.connection = sqlite3.connect(self.database)
self.cursor = self.connection.cursor()
# print('connect seccesfully')
def execute(self, query):
self.query = query
def close(self):
def save_the_last_bill_to_html_pdf(self):
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates'))
# 3. Load the template from the Environment
template = env.get_template('th_bill.html')
# retrive the last general bill and details bill
query_general_bill = ''' SELECT general_bill.id, general_bill.client_name , general_bill.total , general_bill.total_margin , general_bill.number_of_products , general_bill.date_g ,general_bill.time_g , users.username user_id
FROM general_bill join users
on general_bill.user_id = users.id
WHERE general_bill.id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM general_bill) '''
result_general_bill = self.cursor.fetchall()
# retrive the detail bill
query_details_bill = ''' SELECT product.product_name products, details_bill.number_of_products, details_bill.prix, details_bill.margin, details_bill.date, details_bill.time
FROM details_bill join product
on product.id = products
WHERE details_bill.general_bill_id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM general_bill)'''
result_detail_bill = self.cursor.fetchall()
# print(result_detail_bill)
html = template.render(result_general = result_general_bill,
result_detail_bill = result_detail_bill)
with open('html_report_jinja.html', 'w') as f:
css = CSS(string='''
@page {size: A4; margin: 1cm;}
th, td {border: 1px solid black;}
HTML('html_report_jinja.html').write_pdf('weasyprint_pdf_report.pdf', stylesheets=[css])
Thanks to a @K J idea I just add a delete functionality at the end of the function
And the code will be like this
def save_the_last_bill_to_html_pdf(self):
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates'))
# 3. Load the template from the Environment
template = env.get_template('th_bill.html')
# retrive the last general bill and details bill
query_general_bill = ''' SELECT general_bill.id, general_bill.client_name , general_bill.total , general_bill.total_margin , general_bill.number_of_products , general_bill.date_g ,general_bill.time_g , users.username user_id
FROM general_bill join users
on general_bill.user_id = users.id
WHERE general_bill.id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM general_bill) '''
result_general_bill = self.cursor.fetchall()
# print(result_general_bill)
# retrive the detail bill
query_details_bill = ''' SELECT product.product_name products, details_bill.number_of_products, details_bill.prix, details_bill.margin, details_bill.date, details_bill.time
FROM details_bill join product
on product.id = products
WHERE details_bill.general_bill_id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM general_bill)'''
result_detail_bill = self.cursor.fetchall()
# print(result_detail_bill)
html = template.render(result_general = result_general_bill,
result_detail_bill = result_detail_bill)
with open('html_report_jinja.html', 'w') as f:
css = CSS(string='''
@page {size: A4; margin: 1cm;}
th, td {border: 1px solid black;}
HTML('html_report_jinja.html').write_pdf('weasyprint_pdf_report.pdf', stylesheets=[css])
print('pdf file and html file created successfully')
if os.path.exists("html_report_jinja.html"):
print("The file has been deleted successfully")
print("The file does not exist!")