I have HTML Input Type=Number with maxlength='6' and I want it to have leading zeros while typing certain numbers. Leading zeros automatically adjusts depending on your number input.
Example: While typing '12' in the field, it should add leading zeros making it '000012' instead, or typing '123', it should be '000123', and so on.
How can I achieve this using JS/JQuery?
Thank you for helping.
something like this:
document.querySelector("input[type=number]").addEventListener('input', addLeadingZero)
function addLeadingZero(event) {
// get maxlength attr
const maxLength = parseInt(event.target.getAttribute("maxlength"))
// "0".repeat(maxLength) <-- create default pad with maxlength given
// append zero and slice last of attr maxlength value
const newValue = ("0".repeat(maxLength) + event.target.value.toString()).slice(-maxLength);
// change the value of input
event.target.value = newValue
<!-- @event onkeyup to make sure function run on every key up -->
<!-- @event onchange to make sure function run when we click on arrow up/down -->
<input type="number" maxlength="6">
To support negative value :
document.querySelector("input[type=number]").addEventListener('input', addLeadingZero)
function addLeadingZero(event) {
// get maxlength attr
const maxLength = parseInt(event.target.getAttribute("maxlength"))
// check and flag if negative
const isNegative = parseInt(event.target.value) < 0
// "0".repeat(maxLength) <-- create default pad with maxlength given
// Math.abs(event.target.value) to make sure we proceed with positive value
// append zero and slice last of attr maxlength value
let newValue = ("0".repeat(maxLength) + Math.abs(event.target.value).toString()).slice(-maxLength);
// add - if flag negative is true
if (isNegative) {
newValue = "-"+newValue
// change the value of input
event.target.value = newValue
<!-- @event onkeyup to make sure function run on every key up -->
<!-- @event onchange to make sure function run when we click on arrow up/down -->
<input type="number" maxlength="6">
Note :
while this answer is correct for more smoother change please check additional answer given by @science fun for using addEventListener
edit: applied addEventListener
document.querySelector("input[type=number]").addEventListener('input', addLeadingZero)