
How to use bash aliases in a non-interactive shell?

I am using Windows 10. I followed this tutorial on how to create bash aliases. I put the aliases in ~/.bashrc, and used source ~/.bashrc afterwards. When I tried to use one of the aliases, I get the following error:

$ docs
bash: docs: command not found

I opened a new PowerShell session, used bash, tried the alias and it still gave the same error. But it only worked when I tried it on Git Bash. From what I've researched, I was opening bash in a non-interactive shell. I tried the answer on this post and put shopt -s expand_aliases at the end of .bashrc, but it still wouldn't work. This is what my .bashrc looks like:

######## Aliases #######

# Git
alias gcl="git clone"
alias gco="git commit"
alias gcom="git commit -m"
alias gpus="git push"
alias gpul="git pull"
alias gbr="git branch"
alias gad="git add"
alias gre="git restore"
alias grest="git restore"
alias gsw="git switch"
alias gst="git status"
alias gcoam="git commit --amend"
alias gcoamne="git commit --amend --no-edit"
alias gcoamm="git commit --amend -m"

# Navigation
alias home="cd ~"
alias docs="cd ~/Documents"
alias labs="cd ~/Documents/VSCode"

alias open="code ."


shopt -s expand_aliases # allows aliases available in non-interactive shells

How do I make the bash aliases work in a non-interactive shell?


  • You have to turn on this feature:

    shopt -s expand_aliases