
Symfony 5.3+ translation provider Crowdin does not update the local file

I'm trying to get Symfony 5.3's Translation Providers working with Crowdin in my app. I'm using ICU format, trying to translate from pseudo-language to English (from "user.button.add" to "Add User").

The connection up works fine, I can run bin/console translation:push crowdin --force to get all my strings from the local file to appear in their user interface.

Then I go to Crowdin and translate a string, save the translation, approve the translation and quit the editor.

My problem starts when I try to update the local file via the Symfony CLI.

The command I'm using is bin/console translation:pull crowdin --intl-icu --domains=messages --locales=en and I have three observations:

  1. When I remove my local translation file and run the command, a new file appears, but with default Symfony's translation (__user.button.add)
  2. When I run the command with the local file in place, it does not get updated with the translations present in Crowdin
  3. When I go to Crowdin and try to export the XLF file manually, it contains the translations as expected.

I have used with some success, but the same set of steps does not work with Crowdin, which makes me think I might be missing something on the Crowdin side of things?

Any kick in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.


  • I have the same problem right now. I have two files for my two locales:


    They were extracted by these commands:

    php bin/console translation:extract --force en --clean
    php bin/console translation:extract --force uk --clean

    All content of these files translated at crowdin. When i pull translations from crowdin the with UK locale updated and all OK:


    But header+intl-icu.en.xlf file with EN locale just modified but source and target was the same like before:


    And I start to dig in...

    Crowdin translations managed by


    When we try to pull translations by the command

    php bin/console translation:pull crowdin --force --intl-icu

    This flow managed by the function in CrowdinProvider.php:

    public function read(array $domains, array $locales): TranslatorBag

    There is a peace of code that executes changing for translation files for different locales:

    foreach ($locales as $locale) {
          if ($locale !== $this->defaultLocale) {
             $response = $this->exportProjectTranslations($locale, $fileId);
          } else {
             $response = $this->downloadSourceFile($fileId);
          $responses[] = [$response, $locale, $domain];

    So in my case if locale === uk used function

    $this->exportProjectTranslations($locale, $fileId)

    And if locale === en function


    If I remove this check for the defaultLocale locale all my translations from the crowdin start to work fine. And I don't know what to do next. Looks like it is a native behavior of crowdin-translation-provider.