I want to use Tailwind Css to maintain a perfect circle for my icon avatars shown below for both large and small screens.
I do know that I can use a gradient-radial like this:
background: radial-gradient(circle closest-side,
yellow calc(100% - 2px),#db0100 calc(100% - 1px) 99%,transparent 100%);
color: #db0100;
But I scrictly want to use Tailwind. Is it possible? Thanks.
You can do that rather easy with Tailwind. You need to create a div with rounded-full
, grow-0
and shrink-0
. Besides this, you need to set a width and height. The setting the grow and shrink to 0 means that the div will not resize, even if the browser needs more space for other elements.
<div class="w-11 h-11 shrink-0 grow-0 rounded-full bg-green-300 text-green-700">Content</div>
I have made an example for you in Tailwind Play.
Hope this helps.