
How do I access and print the elements in my http Response; Flutter, Dart

I am Logging in to the website using this block of code and printing the status code as well as the response body in the console.

void sendLogin() async {

    var map = <String, dynamic>{
      "UserName": _usernameController.text,
      "Password": _passwordController.text,

    var res = await http.post(
      body: map,

and this is what is being printed in the console

I/flutter ( 9739): null
I/flutter ( 9739): 200
I/flutter ( 9739): {"RESPONSE":{"BASEL_RESPONSE":{"UserDate":"0","UserTime":"0","module_config_1":"0","module_config_2":"0","ErrEntity":{"MessageID":"1110","Message":"Field Code is mandatory","last_req_id":"50029","table_id":"0","operation_id":"0"},"is_csv":"0","VersionName":"DYMA @, ORG @ 2017., GRC @ 2017., LDC @ 2017., DYMA_XML @ 2017., NAS @ 2017. - Config: 0 - Node: OPRISK_DATACOLLECTOR","ExpiryDate":"31/01/2030","count_key":"0","id_Us":"0","is_popup":"0","tot_messages":"0","my_messages":"0","product":"0"},"RESPONSE_HEADER":{"NomeRichiesta":"LOGIN_REQUEST","ltimeStart":"23531871","ltimeStop":"23531884","ldate_null":"19900101","product":"1","server_name":"OPRISK_DATACOLLECTOR","cell_context_id":"538058","operation_key":"1000000","operation_sub_num":"-1"}}}

How do I access then print the ErrEntity with its contents from the response body

"ErrEntity":{"MessageID":"1110","Message":"Field Code is mandatory","last_req_id":"50029","table_id":"0","operation_id":"0"}

heres a better view of the response body in formatted Json

            "Message":"Field Code is mandatory",
         "VersionName":"DYMA @, ORG @ 2017., GRC @ 2017., LDC @ 2017., DYMA_XML @ 2017., NAS @ 2017. - Config: 0 - Node: OPRISK_DATACOLLECTOR",

Thanks for the help :)


  • You need to use the dart:convert library to convert the JSON response into a Map. Then you can access the key/value pairs as your would with a regular Map. You'll also have to add a cast (in my example at least) for the correct type using the as keyword. For example:

    import 'dart:convert';
    void main() {
    final s = """
                "Message":"Field Code is mandatory",
             "VersionName":"DYMA @, ORG @ 2017., GRC @ 2017., LDC @ 2017., DYMA_XML @ 2017., NAS @ 2017. - Config: 0 - Node: OPRISK_DATACOLLECTOR",
    final data = jsonDecode(s);
    print((data as Map)['RESPONSE']['BASEL_RESPONSE']['ErrEntity']);


    {MessageID: 1110, Message: Field Code is mandatory, last_req_id: 50029, table_id: 0, operation_id: 0}

    In your case, you'll ned to use:

    final data = jsonDecode(res.body);

    to convert the data.

    I do though recommend that you use a Class model instead. You can use quicktype.io to generate one for you automatically.
