
How to set a custom 'user-agent' as header for Android Bitmovin player SDK?

I have tried the method PreprocessHttpRequestCallback for altering NetworkConfig to add a custom user agent unfortunately, I couldn't implement it successfully. I even searched their entire git sample repo for NetworkConfig yet failed to find a sample and also their documentation

There is nothing many practical examples couldn't find.

Bitmovin Android SDK Version: 3.18


  • Not sure what exactly you tried, but this seems to work (replace customValue with your desired user-agent string) using the PreprocessHttpRequestCallback:

    NetworkConfig networkConfig = new NetworkConfig();
    PreprocessHttpRequestCallback preprocessHttpRequestCallback = new PreprocessHttpRequestCallback() {
        public Future<HttpRequest> preprocessHttpRequest(HttpRequestType httpRequestType, HttpRequest httpRequest) {
            ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
            Callable<HttpRequest> callable = () -> {
                HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
                headers.put("User-Agent", "customValue");
                return httpRequest;
            Future<HttpRequest> future = executorService.submit(callable);
            return future;

    A good place to ask such questions is also Bitmovin's Community: