
Migrate Wiki under Gitlab to ADO Git Wiki Repo

I am migrating artifacts from GitLab to ADO Git Repo, not able to find much info to migrate the Wikis under GitLab project to ADO repo.

I found below approach to do it.


  • Step 1 - Clone gitlab wiki

    First to clone the Gitlab project, wiki using git clone https://<gitlab-repo-url>.wiki.git

    The above clone command will download all the wikis to the local.

    Step 2: Clone ADO Git Repo wiki

    Now, from ADO wiki, click the Clone wiki copy the url and use git clone https://<ado-repo-wiki-url>

    Step 3: Copy the markdown file from GitLab to ADO Repo

    Now, copy the markdown file from the Gitlab cloned directory to the ADO cloned directory.

    Step 4: Add, commit and push the changes to ADO Git Wiki Repo

    Finally, from the ADO git cloned path issues git add . and git commit -m "comments" then pushed the commits using git push.
